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Transform your career in Taxation and Accounting

Choose from our comprehensive accounting, bookkeeping and tax courses

We believe that knowledge is the key to unlocking your full potential in the world of accounting and taxation. That's why we offer a wide range of courses designed to equip you with the essential skills and experience needed to thrive in today's competitive career landscape.

Tax Refunds
(businesses and Individuals)

Our tax return courses go beyond the basics. We provide you with in-depth knowledge of both business and individual tax scenarios. From navigating complex deductions and credits to ensuring compliance with ever-changing tax laws, you will develop the experience necessary to excel as a tax professional.


Become a valuable accounting resource with our comprehensive course. Go beyond numbers and financial records. You will learn the essential principles of accounting, including maintaining accurate financial records, analyzing financial statements, and understanding key financial indicators.


Gain in-depth knowledge of sales tax management through our specialized course. You'll learn the ins and outs of sales tax regulations, exemptions, and compliance. The course will equip you with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of this critical area of ​​business.

Sales tax

Gain in-depth knowledge of sales tax management through our specialized course. You'll learn the ins and outs of sales tax regulations, exemptions, and compliance. The course will equip you with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of this critical area of ​​business.

School of Taxation and Accounting

Gain an advantage in finances

With the growing need for experienced and competent accounting and tax staff, you will be assured of achieving your professional goals by enrolling in one of our comprehensive courses.

Package - $800

Our experienced instructors will guide you through practical scenarios, allowing you to apply your knowledge to real-world accounting challenges.

Tax Preparation
Course - $500

With real-world case studies and practical exercises, you will gain the confidence to handle all types of diverse tax issues, providing valuable information to individuals and businesses alike.

Sales tax - $400

Our hands-on approach and real-world case studies will give you hands-on experience calculating, reporting, and complying with sales taxes.

Payroll - $400

Payroll experts with practical experience will expertly guide you through the detailed course material.

Tax Returns for
Corporations and Partnerships - $900

You will gain in-depth knowledge of general tax topics, focusing on key people (Form 1040) and tax areas identified by the IRS as priorities (Schedule C and E) for all tax professionals.

Financial statements
- $400

It is extremely important for business owners to understand not only the profits or losses of their operation, but also the status of their assets and liabilities.

Expand your professional opportunities

Enrolling in an accounting and tax course opens up a world of potential career opportunities.

Develop essential financial skills

An accounting and tax course equips you with essential financial knowledge that makes you a valuable employee.

Improve your financial knowledge

Enrolling in an accounting and tax course greatly improves your professional financial knowledge.

Save money and avoid costly mistakes

One of the main reasons to enroll in an accounting and tax course is to save money and avoid costly financial mistakes.


Expand Your
Professional Horizons

It is vital that you stay up to date and expand your knowledge in order to fulfill your professional ambitions.
These courses will help you acquire the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary to take your career to the next level.

Express Tax Course

Our study material is organized by experts, offering online classes for the new Form 7202 and its many benefits. You will gain a solid understanding of this form and how it can maximize tax benefits for both you and your clients.

FormaContinuous training

Take courses as you need them with our CE Bundle. Whether you need a deeper understanding of depreciation, capital gains and losses, or the various allowable deductions and income adjustments, we have a course for you within our CE package.

Inventory Course

Managing and recording inventory is vital to the success of a company. Enroll in our practical accounting course that focuses exclusively on this important area of ​​financial management.

Why choose us?

With more than 40 years of experience managing tax matters for companies and individuals, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to help you maximize your potential as an accountant and tax professional.

We are dedicated to providing our students with the most up-to-date information and skills necessary to successfully fulfill their roles. We specialize in offering you Federal Income Tax Courses, Tax Preparation Classes, IRS Annual Filing Education, as well as IRS Annual Filing Season Programs. We are committed to your success!

Unleash your full potential

You have overcome the challenges that have brought you here. But why stop now? Take the reins of your destiny and design a future in line with your ambitions. By continually setting and pursuing new goals, you will ignite growth in your accounting career like never before.

Break the barriers

You've exceeded expectations, but don't let the sky be your limit. Adopt a mindset of unlimited possibilities and push the boundaries of what you thought was attainable. Keep discovering new goals that propel you forward and unleash your full potential.

Continue your education

You have reached a new chapter in your career, but your story does not end here. It's time to embark on an exhilarating journey of growth and success. By constantly seeking knowledge that will enhance your career path, you will pave the way to a future full of limitless possibilities.

Enjoy your trip

You have reached a crucial moment in your career, prepared for prosperity. However, the journey has only just begun. It's time to discover the path that leads to lasting success. By continually pursuing new goals that enrich your professional experience, you will build a future filled with prosperity and abundance.